Students pursuing a business administration degree will become familiar with the role of human resources in the current business world. The possibilities are endless with degree programs in Energy Management, Organizational Leadership, Information Technology and more. You'll learn about the world, the future, and yourself to graduate with so much more than a degree. With emphases in International Business, Global Supply Chain Management, Aviation Management and more, the world awaits you. No international business school knows China better, and no China-based school knows the world better. You may need to first earn a high school diploma, a GED, or an equal diploma.
GCU can help you manage your life as a student with campus and learning resources so you can successfully navigate your academic journey. Whether you major or minor in business, enroll part-time or full, you will get a small-school feel with big-city opportunities. At the Tim and Steph Busch School of Business, you will find a rigorous business curriculum infused with Catholic social doctrine. Whether you are planning to embark on a career in business or enhance your prospects as a business professional, you should consider pursuing formal education. At the Barney School of Business, you begin building toward a career in your freshman year. Whether you are looking for a place to start your business education or pursue a graduate degree, the College of Business at NMSU offers you unique opportunities for business discovery.

You'll learn from nationally distinguished faculty who integrate practical and academic experience for teaching excellence. With a doctoral degree in business, you are not limited to working in an academic environment. The Fox School specializes in student-centered, market-driven, career-focused online business education that produces talented, innovative leaders. With an MS in Finance from SMU Cox, you will be ready to push ahead in a finance career whether or not you have a undergraduate business degree. With a career in accounting, you can pursue exciting challenges and create a professional path that is all your own. Hathaway Dilba is Co-Owner and Director of Promotions at Ale Asylum, a Madison-based regional craft brewery.
A health care management degree almost always leads to a management career in the health care field. Technology and a rapidly evolving economy have put a premium on adaptability, behavioral management, and IT savviness. The overall degree is 120 credits, and the last 30 credits must be taken at Stevenson. To earn your Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship at Ashford, you must complete 120 credits. You will need to complete 30 upper-division credits, of which 18 credits must be from the major program.

Admission requirements for an online business management degree will vary depending on the school and the level of the program. An entire school may be accredited for all of its programs, and specific programs within a certain institution may be accredited as well, which is referred to as specialized or programmatic accreditation. You can have a flexible schedule, choose from different online AA degree programs, and more. Whether you are interested in simply completing basic, required college courses or specializing in a specific area, there is a degree for you.